How To Choose a Ring Size That Will Fit You

Silver Ring

Nobody knows their ring size until their first purchase. But even at the time of purchase, it can be difficult to choose a perfect ring size. A perfect ring size is nothing but a size which gives comfort while wearing. If your ring is slightly tense or loose in the finger, you may feel uncomfortable wearing it. Therefore, it is important to choose a ring size that suits you best.

Here are some ideal tips you can use to know your ring size:-

1- Measuring Tape

This is the easiest way to get your finger size checked. Grab a measuring tape and start rotating it on your finger, while doing so make sure your finger and for that matter, your hands are in a relaxed position.

Your size will come between 2.5 to 3 inch which is the usual size of almost everyone’s finger. You can go with an extra inch if the exact finger size is not comfortable for you.

2- Online Search

There are some professional websites available as well where you can follow the given instructions and get your right finger size. They usually ask you to place any ring which fits you perfectly on the screen. And they measure its size which is surely your own finger’s size.

3- Thread and Scale

This may sound a bit weird but its a super-easy way to measure your finger size at home. All you need is a thread ( woolen thread is more preferable) and a normal scale.

Now, measure your finger with the thread and cut the thread to the size of your finger and check its length in the scale. You will surely get an idea of your ring size by doing this.

This is an inexpensive and convenient yet accurate way to measure your finger size at home. And once you know your finger size it’s easy to know your ring size since your ring size doesn’t vary much from your finger size.

4- Ring Sizer Tools

In any jewelry shop, you will find a tool which they use to know people’s ring size.
This tool is more like a harry potter wand but it produces magic in a different way. In this wand, they put rings and note its size. So, first, they make you try different ring sizes and finally the most suitable one will measure with the help of ring sizer stick/wand.

5- Size Chart

Ring size chart is a very common method to know your ring size accurately. If you have ever bought a ring for yourself which fits you perfectly. Then, what you can do is take that existing ring and measure the internal diameter of that ring. By doing so it becomes really easy to confirm the ring size by the chart.

In the ring size chart, you will discover every possible size of a human finger ever exists; which made it uncomplicated to know your ring size. You can download this chart online and get a print of that chart.

Aren’t both hands are the same?

Generally, it appears like both of our hands are same but no, that’s not the case. There’s always a slight difference between your left and right hand. Always measure your finger on the hand in which you will wear the ring. The ring would come off or would be too tight for you if it is associated with the other hand.

Ring sizes also depend on their material and weight. Silver, gold, steel, copper, diamond, and bronze are some of the regular metals whose rings are loved by many. They come in multiple designs and shape which beautifully fits in the finger. But, sometimes you may notice that even the same size rings can be unfit if it is of a different metal.

If you are new in this fashion of rings then start with the silver rings. They fit perfectly than any other metal rings. Try a sterling silver ring from wholesale shops for most fashionable and suitable rings.


So, if you are looking for some cool rings for yourself or you had just developed an interest in ring collection. It is necessary to know your ring size in the first place and to be sure about that. Also, our finger changes its size many times in a day. The fingers are often thinner in the morning than at night and the ring size is also influenced by the temperature. So, if you are going to wear a ring for the whole day or if it’s your wedding ring which is definitely going to remain on your finger forever; then get yourself a ring which is 100% comfortable.

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